Vision & Mission

To develop a young one intellectually alert and physically fit by emphasizing on his physical, cognitive, emotional, aesthetic social and spiritual needs and to make him/her self reliant, self motivated, responsible and confident human being.

Our Mission
To create an environment which promotes awareness and development of self, so that individually and collectively all students may learn to make a positive contribution to society.

THE PHILOSOPHY, WE BELIEVE IN “Education is an ornament in prosperity and refer in adversity.”

• Developing self reliance and social responsibility.
• Maintaining a positive outlook.
• Upholding what is true and just
• Making the learning simplified & purposeful
• Moulding the child’s thinking, attitude and behavior
• Strengthening of will-power which is the essence of character building and personality development.

“In heaven’s light the valley of Anupam shines and peace prevails.”
There is a charming picture behind the milky veils. In this age of throat cut competition it is the need of hour that our young ones should be educated and trained in such a way, they not only trend the path to success but also prove themselves the be an ideal for the generation to come. The seed of success lies in development of basic human characteristics in a child. The characteristics which define his personality
and create a complete human being in him. They have command over communication, reasoning, sportsmen’s his ability to team-sprit. Keenness to learn and experiment. They must have an insight and ability to appreciate various acts  and tendency to acquire further knowledge in various fields of science or arts to make a living. In addition to this , an attractive personality and knowledge of social etiquettes further , enhance his chance of success  in today’s world.To achieve this end, Anupam Public Sr. Sec. School is trying its best to establish a Comprehensive infrastructure combined with an environment conducive to the development of each area of child’s persona, which an adjective of creating a scientific attitude, a creative bent of mind and sensitive human being in him.

Anupam Public Sr. Sec. School, Hodal with a salubrious campus equipped with all necessary amenities and facilities, located strategically in the heart of Hodal Town, is suitable and dream school for your wards. As you, parents, know very well that it has always been our endeavour  to realise your desire (regarding the education of your wards) by maintaining the tradition of excellency and are striving to do better than the best in the field of education.

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