Chairman Message

 “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

“The purpose of education is manifold. Literacy and employment are its primary aims. Another purpose is to make students capable of living their lives fully at all levels of their personalities. They should be able to face the numerous challenges of life and carve out a purposeful future for themselves.
At yet another level, the purpose of education is to groom students in noble cultural values. In the absence of this culture, knowledge itself and material prosperity can become a weapon of destruction instead of a means of blessing to humanity. Still higher than this aim is to create a thirst for greater knowledge in students, so that they discover the mysteries of Nature and the world around them.
“It was always in the heart of the parents that there is a school, which aims at the synthesis of moral values and scientific achievements, where we have the concept of not only giving education to the students, but also to mould them as leaders. The students are encouraged to aim higher & higher in order to achieve and be successful wherever they go with their hard work, determination and sincerity.”

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